Summer vs Winter

The seasonal shedding of wolves

WOLVES: Wolves only shed once a year during the spring months. Wolves will start the shedding process around the beginning of April and shed until May, and are consistent about starting to shed at the same time each year. Most dogs shed throughout the year or have twice-yearly sheds in the spring and fall. Wolves shed their entire undercoat and some of their guard hairs. The way they shed is more like a molt and has been compared to the way bison lose their coat—in large strings and clumps, versus dogs that tend to have numerous little tufts of fur that seem to never end (especially malamutes and huskies). The contrast between summer and winter coats on wolves can be surprising, and many people have asked if an animal was sick due to how terrible and ratty they look during the entire process. Summer coats can sometimes throw people for a loop when phenotyping as well. Only seeing an animal in its summer coat can make ears and paws look bigger, legs look longer, and heads look more narrow, but it can also give you a better idea of overall structure without the obstruction of a thick coat.

This high content wolfdogs fur is patchy as he is moltingA high content wolfdog towards the end of his molt.

Shedding and coat growth is determined by the lengthening and shortening of days and the amount of natural sunlight absorbed through the eyes. Climate and temperature can affect coat length and thickness SLIGHTLY.  Ultimately, an Arctic wolf that was born and raised in Texas will still develop a coat that is consistent with its far northern origin. Due to the latitude and the amount of sunlight present earlier in the season, in Texas shedding may occur slightly earlier than normal—such as the middle to end of March versus the beginning of April.